seismic research

9 triples
GPTKB property

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Subject Object
gptkb:New_Madrid_Earthquake_of_1895 focused on the New Madrid Seismic Zone
gptkb:2019_Ridgecrest_earthquake increased funding for studies.
gptkb:Chilean_earthquake_of_2010 increased funding for research
gptkb:San_Francisco_earthquake_1906 influenced seismic research methodologies
gptkb:1857_Fort_Tejon_earthquake contributed to the field of seismology
gptkb:1707_Hōei_earthquake continues to be a subject of study
gptkb:1854_Ansei-Tokai_earthquake Continues to be a subject of research.
gptkb:1999_Hector_Mine_earthquake funding increased after the event
gptkb:2004_Parkfield_earthquake Continued in the area