Statue of the French Republic
Monument to the Dead of the Commune
Statue of the City of Aix-en-Provence
Statue of the City of Avignon
Statue of the City of Bordeaux
Statue of the City of Clermont-Ferrand
Statue of the City of Dijon
Statue of the City of La Rochelle
Statue of the City of Lille
Statue of the City of Lyon
Statue of the City of Marseille
Statue of the City of Montpellier
Statue of the City of Nancy
Statue of the City of Nantes
Statue of the City of Nice
Statue of the City of Paris
Statue of the City of Reims
Statue of the City of Rennes
Statue of the City of Saint-Étienne
Statue of the City of Strasbourg
Statue of the City of Toulon
Statue of the City of Toulouse
Statue of the Marseillaise
Statue of the National Assembly
Statue of the National Guard